Friday, December 4, 2015

Harry Potter and the Second Chakra

Here are my nearly unedited notes on Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets and how it might relate to the second chakra which is also called the sacral chakra:

As the story opens, Harry's home life has improved but it is based on a lie.

Harry is no longer living under the staircase but his owl is kept caged up so he cannot communicate with his friends.

A strange elf appears to Harry begging him not to return to Hogwarts because there is a plot against him. The elf wants Harry kept safe because he credits Harry with defeating Voldermort and believes if Harry is killed Voldemort will return and so orchestrates Harry's second imprisonment within the Dweasly house as his uncle puts bars on the windows and imprisons Harry in a bedroom only letting him out twice a day to use the bathroom and feeding him through a cat flap.

Harry's friends use a flying car to bust Harry out, the car may represent the Chariot from the Tarot deck.

The flying car or chariot has to be sued again because the elf keeps Harry and Ron from boarding the train to Hogwarts. Of course, Mrs McGonagle later points out that the boys could have sent an owl with a message to let the staff know that they were stranded but considering the elf had already withheld mail from Harry's friends so Ron and Harry taking the Chariot again may have been their only option of getting to Hogwarts.

The chariot becomes entangled in the Whomping Willow.

The chariot comes back later in the book, it has become wild but still recognizes Ron as its master, it ends up saving both Ron and Harry from giant spiders

The braggart character only cares about worldly publicity and attention. All of his stories are true but it is other people who have accomplished them. He puts a memory charm on them so they cannot remember.

Harry finds Tom Riddle's diary which is blank. After accidentally exposing ink to all his books he notices Riddle's diary absorbs the ink. The diary ends up containing a memory of the last time the Chamber of Secrets has been open. But it is a deceiving memory.

The big bad monster of the Chamber of Secrets is a giant snake called a Basilisk. The Basilisk is a sort of Egyptian deity-monster that could cause death with a single glance but in our study of the chakra systems, it is also the Kundalini serpent making its way up the spinal column. Interestingly, an indirect glance in the novel causes people to become petrified like the gorgon Medusa is said ot have done to her victims and also interestingly the thing that stops enlightenment, the Kundalini serpent from making it to the crown is a calcified pineal gland.

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