Saturday, December 12, 2015

Harry Potter and the Third Chakra

Note: As a reminder, these are my notes on reading through the Harry Potter series.  Plenty of spelling errors are to be expected and all conclusions should be considered soft conclusion or speculations. In this case, there was about a week's break between finishing the reading of the book and concluding my notes.

Lots of wolf imagery in the book so far. Don't really know if this has anything to do with the third chakra at this point but...

Okay, so this story starts with Harry at home wanting to get a permission slip signed by his guardians so he can go into this town that only third year students with their parents or guardians can visit at Halloween.

There is a news story about an escaped convict named Sirius Black, Sirius is the dog star. Black could refer to Saturn as black is usually used as a symbol for Saturn, the Dark Side, in most movies, like Revenge of the Jedi where Luke is clearly moving toward the dark side of the force.

Some fat aunt who also hates Harry is coming for a visit, if Harry behaves and backs up his uncle's story about the school Harry is attending, the uncle promises to sign the permission slip

Things go very bad as the fat aunt gets drunk and insults Harry's parents and Harry uses magic to causer to to fill up like a balloon

Harry figures he is going to be expelled from Hogwarts for using magic again and he runs away from home. While he is out on his own, he sees a big dog or wolf. He wonders if he has imagined this and feels in danger. Just then a bus for stranded wizards turns up.

Harry takes the bus to London

Harry find the minister of magic is already in London waiting for him. Harry doesn't understand why he isn't being expelled since it is the second time he has used magic while on vacation. The minister tells him not to worry about it.

Harry stays in a part of London that is magic friendly and eventually Ron and Herminie show up. Ron's rat, Scampers, I think, is finally given some book time and a orange cat is introduced as Herminie's new pet. The cat and rat immediately strain Ron's and Herminie's friendship.

On the train to Hogwarts, the children ride in a car with the new teacher of defense against the black arts, Professor Lupin, Lupin obviously refers to wolfs as Lupin is Lupine without the 'e.' It occurred to me if Hogwarts spent any time on teaching English etymology, half the mysteries in the book would be instantly solved just by the characters knowing what their own names mean.

While on the train, a Dementor attacks Harry for no apparent reason. The Dementor represents fear itself which finally brings us to one of the functions of the third chakra, the elimination of fear. Professor Lupin sends the Dementor off with a spell taht produces bright light, which again, third chakra, let you inner sun burn the cloud of fear from your inner sky.

Later this point is made implicitly when Harry and Lupin are having tea. Harry felt that Lupin things Harry is weak because in the Defesne class, Lupin doesn't give Harry a shot with the bogart, which is a being that presents itself as a person's greatest fear. Lupin assumes Voldemort will be Harry's greatest fear and doesn't want to freak the other students out but Harry tell Lupin that he was thinking of a Dementor. This impresses Lupin because it suggests Harry's true fear is a fear of fear itself.

Keeping up with the pet theme, one of the girls from the Huff & Puff house has a rabbit that is killed by a fox. This is part of a premonition the prophecy teacher gives to her class.

Oh yes, the prophecy teacher is introduced. Again, I don't know if this is related specifically to the third chakra but perhaps as we move up the chakras we come closer to being able to use premonition and intuition.

During the quidich match with Raven Claw, Harry is on his new broom, a Firebolt, which is the best of the best and even the game commentator cannot keep from talking about the merits of the new broom over giving play by play of the game, then there is a descriptive sentence about Harry catching a glimps of gold just before he is attacked by Dementors again. This time, Harry grabs his wand and casts a spell he has been practicing that shoots a bright silver-white light at the fear eaters. The gold is the color of the third, or solar plexus chakra. The silver-white light is the silver cord that shoots out from the solar plexus when one soul travels or astral projects but I have never considered it may be used defensively, whether by some external spiritual darkness or the inner sadness and depression most of use subject ourselves to.

In the previous quidich game against Huff and Puff, it was a stark contrast to the one descibed above: It was stormy. Harry was full of doubt. The entire team was upset that Slithering had begged out of the match due to Malfoy's alleged broken arm. And then just as Harry is reaching for the little gold ball that will end the match, the Dementors show up and, attracted by Harry's personal pain, they attack or feed off of him. He falls off his broom and his Nimbus 2000 blown into the wamping willow and is smashed to pieces which is why Harry needs a new broom. It was in between these two matches that a mysterious benefactor sends Harry the Firebolt and Professor Lupin teachers Harry the Petrolis spell that repels the Dementors and Harry also learns why they are attracted to him.

So the main point I want to drive home here, in relation to the third chakra, it is the confrontation and banishment of fear

After Harry captures the little gold ball, he is congratulated by Lupin on his mastery of the petrolous spell but then it is revealed that the Dementors were fake, they were Malfoy and his two cronies attempting to psych Harry out but instead the fear they wished to project was projected back on them.

Also, I think the appearances are made much of in the Raven Claw match. The sports commentator keeps talking about the benefits of the Firebolt broom and then there are the fake dementors.

I found the end of this book to be anti-climatic in spite of the time travel them. Yes, there is a time travel theme. I am not sure if that relates to the third chakra in any way but that would be an area of further study.

The thing about the time travel them in this book is it doesn't change anything. Hermione (finally looked up the spelling) has been using time travel throughout the book in order to take twice as many classes with the blessing of Professor McGonagall, I would point out here that her name is Minerva McGonagall so her initials would be MM, 1313. MM is also Roman for 2000. 1313 is also BB. Again, what any of this means is an issue for further study.

So, what happens as the climax is Harry and Hermione attempt to rescue Hagrid's Hippogriff. To the movie's credit, this is fleshed out much better in the movie than the book, but the Hippogriff is going to be put down as a dangerous magical creature because it has attact Malfoy. Harry had approached the Hippogriff in the respectful way and was able to befriend it. Malfoy thinks this means the Hippogriff isn't dangerous because he considers Harry a coward for fainting in the presence of the Dementors and the Hippogriff attacks Malfoy injuring his arm. So right here you have the whole lesson of courage and false courage.

Another big theme of this book is shape-shifting. Lupin is a werewolf and there is nothing he can do about this, he was bitten and so every full moon Dumbledoor has arraigned a place for Lupin to confine himself to so he doesn't hurt anyone. This makes Lupin feel isolated but he makes friends with Harry's father, James, Sirisu Black, and Peter Pettigrew.

In order to make Lupin feel less alone, the three other friends become shapeshifters also.

James turns into the stag

Sirius, of course, turns into a big black dog

Peter turns into a rat, again obvious in the last name Pettigrew, grew small.

One the night that the Hippogriff is to be executed, Harry, and Hermione run into Serious and Lupin. Lupin hasn't taken his potion which allows him to keep his sense of humanity while turned into a wolf and turns visciouls.

Scampers is revealed to be Peter.

Sirius is revealed to be innocent.

Nothing goes right and Harry and Hermione end in the infirmary and Sirius is being held in a tower waiting to be taken back back to Azkaban, which itself is a prision of time, I think. A and Z are the first and last letters of the English alphabet and I believe this to be a reference to Alpha and Omega, the Greek alphabet. Ba and Ka are Egyptian words that reference different aspects of the human soul so that could make AzKaBan Hell that contains the soul for all time. It's probably a hypercube.

Dumbldore knows Hermione has been using a time travel device and he advises her a Harry that “three turns should do it” Three again for the third chakra, and this takes Harry and Hermione back three hours where they rescue the Hippogriff and use it to free Sirius from the tower.

And from there the book just sort of ends. Nothing is really resolved. Sirius has to remain on the run. Harry has to spend the summer with the Dreazleys once again. I think there is one more confrontation with Malfoy but everything after the rescue of Sirius doesn't remain in my memory.

I would say that Harry learns to master his courage in this book. The Dementors can now be neutralized with the Patronus spell. Patronus comes from Patron and when Harry rescues himself from the Dementors the spell takes the form of the stage so at first Harry concludes it was his father but it turned out to be him. Harry has become a man over the course of this story which fits in with his being 13. In many cultures 13 is the age a child becomes and adult.

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