Sunday, October 7, 2018

Alligators Everywhere! Dream 20181007

I am on vacation in the deep south with my wife. We are traveling in Florida or perhaps somewhere around New Orleans. We have a big van that I think we can sleep in although sometimes it feels like we are with a larger family group. I am not sure if it is family from the area or people we traveled with.

We are at my wife's sister's house. I think it isn't one of her real sisters but seems like a composite. Or a niece. She has about three children, a  husband, and a little black poodle dog.

My deceased brother is also with us. My wife takes some family members somewhere, not sure where while me and my brother stay to watch fireworks, or some other event.

I notice through the kitchen door that leads to a body of water that there a many alligators maybe 100 feet away. My brother and I, we head out the front door to watch the event. I wonder if we brought our chairs with us because there isn't anywhere to sit.  Walking out to where other people are I see baby alligators everywhere with exaggerated golden teeth.

I go back into the house and look out the kitchen door and I see the alligators making a charge to the house. I see the black poodle outside and I start to open the door to let the dog out and the dog wants to go out but alligators are almost at the door.

I run out the front door and think about warning people because the kitchen is parallel to the front door. I look just past the car port and I lion is there and runs away as soon as I look.

And that is where I wake up more or less feeling fear, like a nightmare. It is about 8:00 AM and I just decide to get up.

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