Wednesday, January 7, 2015

The One Self Portrait Per Week Show

I have always been a frustrated artist, as I am sure are many of us. And like many of us, I want to be good a drawing but I know that I am not so I never practice!


No wonder I am a frustrated artist! It is like writing: If you are not writing you are not practicing!

So, yesterday, which in the the nominal time was known as January 6, 2015, I was listening to a new favorite podcast of mine, Your Chillpak Hollywood Hour hosted by TV's One-Third of the Lone Gunmen (among other things), Dean Haglund and filmmaker and actor Phil Leirness.

On this occasion, they were doing a show on their New Years Intentions/Resolutions (Ego is Skeleton), which is a show they do every year but this is my first year of listening and Dean mentions an artist who is doing a self-portrait per day and that one of his goals for the year was to do something along those lines, maybe not quite as frequently.

This resonates with me in a way that I cannot explain. It suddenly hits me that I can draw a self-portrait, at least one-per-week and then I will be able to measure any improvement in my drawing by the end of the year!

So here is my first attempt which I just drew tonight:

Which is based on this photograph I took yesterday morning (see above for nominal time date) which I took only because I love how the towel did my hair!
I had the most trouble with the nose but for a first attempt; I am off to the races!

Thank you Dean Haglund and Phil Leirness for your Ego is Skeleton and for your inspiring show!

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