Wednesday, August 12, 2015

The Bearman and Spiderwoman

20150812 Dream

I went to bed with an idea of dreaming for money advice. How can I make more money?

I had a series of complex dreams that I cannot remember much of. When I first woke up I lay in bed for a few minutes asking to recall my dreams but nothing was coming for several minutes.

Suddenly I flash on a big black man wearing a bright red shirt. He was guarding a door into some sort of slum apartment where me and a partner (it was a little like a police procedural). We were coming out of the building after talking to a woman who had something to do with the case we were working on.

I have a flash of her earlier in the dream getting us past the big burly black guard. He simply obeyed her when she commanded him to let us through.

On the inside of the building it is dark and dingy, exposed piping everywhere and as we open the door the bright sunlight and the bright red shirt the black man wears is a striking contrast. He holds out his hand for some kind of payment. My partner isn't having it and he just says something like, “The lady let us in.” as explanation as to why he isn't going to pay anything. I feel I should pay the man a little token. He doesn't seem mean and I feel a two dollar tip would be appropriate.

First I pull out my wallet but then I think better of it. That I have plenty of change and I don't have to open my wallet here and expose what I might be carrying. Which in the dream is only about $80-$200. I start sorting through my change looking for eight quarters. I find four and set them on a car hood that is nearby. I find three more and then I find a fourth quarter that has something stuck to it. It is like a small plastic mushroom camp, black with white dots. I try to free the quarter from it and maybe I do. I am not sure. I know I am thinking about that quarter is going to be sticky and I apologize to the man because of it but I might have given him the quarter with the plastic cap still glued on.

When this flash came to me, I decided to try and go back in the dream and ask the man some questions. At this point I didn't have as much detail as I have written above. I could only remember a black man in a bright red shirt and that we had gone into the building with a woman.

I decided I would ask the man who the woman was and why we had come to see her.

He told me she was a spider and that he was actually a bear. I had some memory of about 8 pipes the spiderwoman had shown me and the two top ones were the most important to me. The number 8 was related to these pipes and I felt 8's going down each of them. And maybe the vision of a city or a highway. I can almost see me in the dream, my eyes and forehead in the space between the pipes. I think I will try to do a rough sketch of what it looked like in order to honor this dream.

I asked the bearman some other questions about the dream. I asked him why he was wearing such a bright red shirt and he indicated that it represented danger but also just something to grab my attention (this worked as my first memory of the dream was almost an image of the searing red shirt in the bright sunlight). I asked him another question about the spiderwoman but he couldn't give me an answer. Perhaps I need to go back into the dream and talk to her, once I formulate a proper question.

Even though it seems to me the spiderwoman is the more important character I have the bearman the first credit since it was his image that allowed me to remember the dream.

Monday, August 10, 2015

Reptile And Robot

20150810 Dream
This dream is very complex and confusing. It appears to take place in a kind of composite of the backyard of the house I grew up in and the backyard of my aunt's house that wasn't too far away from where I lived.

When I first become aware in the dream, I am roaming the property with some dogs. I'm not sure how many dogs. Two I know from my youth but there are other dogs here too. At the far left-hand of the property facing away from the house is a stream or or creek of some kind. There is an aligator sleeping in it.

For some reason, I am not afraid of the sleeping aligator at this poin. There are two dogs sleeping under a tree about ten to twenty feet from the creek. One of the dogs that I knew when I was younger follows me on the property as I am doing whatever chore I am doing.

I come back to the creek area later and the alligator and the dogs are still asleep but then I notice the alligator stir. I call to the dogs to come to the house. In my mind, I am aware that alligators can move up to 60 miles an hour on land. This one is moving slowly enough and while I am in a heightened state of alertness in case I have to rescue any of the dogs, I am still thinking about how ancient the alligator is, that it is a living dinosaur. But about halfway to the house the hole dream shifts to an episode of Last in Space as the alligator changes into the Robot from that show.

In many ways, the Robot is more dangerous than the alligator because the Robot is mad. It can think, unlike the alligator that only seeks to quell its appetites. As I get the dogs to the house, it is actually a spaceship, much larger than the Jupiter 2 from the TV show, and there is a security area.

I suddenly know in the dream logic that everyone knows the Robot is mad and we have made a security entrance that we don't believe the Robot can get past. I get the dogs inside but I hear the ripping up of the security apparatus. Prior to going into the main living quarters of the ship, there is a large warehouse type area filled with all kinds of things the savvy space traveler might need. Mostly crated up in boxes and stacked high until needed.

I go into the main house to warn everyone that the Robot has broken through the security but nobody thinks the Robot can get past the main door and they don't really care or try to help me in any way. I try to get all the dogs into the main living area but they are scattered around the crates.

By now the Robot has broken in and is heading down one of the aisles. I think I have a chance to stop it if I can get behind it. I do and grab it from behind and pull it backward so that if its weapons discharge they will go up and not risk damaging the main living area. I think I then pull the power pack from the Robot but as I wake up, I think about the Robinsons traveling through space with a mad Robot. I think maybe this is why many of the aliens they encountered where hostile How did they introduce the Robot to the new beings they met? “Hello, we are the Robinson family from planet earth and this is our mad Robot who once tried to kill all of us while we were in stasis.”

Also, after thinking about this dream for a while, I was struck by the dichotomy of the threats. That this dream stretched all the way back to the dawn of time all the way to the space age. In a sense, I shouldn't be surprised. This is the programming I grew up with. Planet of the Apes, Lost in Space, 2001: A Space Odyssey, Star Trek: All of these entertainments at one time or another warned both of devolving back into the primitive and at the same time offered dire warnings of the bright and shining future offered by science and technology. What, exactly was I being programmed for?

I think this is even more insidious than the common religious programming or the familial programming I received growing up because religion and family were treated seriously while this stuff was treated as entertainment and nobody really monitored or tried to decode it. So baby-sitter television kept me quiet for hours at a time and the unchecked programming just seeped in.

Saturday, August 1, 2015

20150801 Dream Portent?

20150801 Dreams

I dream I am having a party at my house. Me and Patti are together but it is still generally recognized as 'my house.' In the dream it is a large estate on a hill that overlooks an ocean. People are dressed well, especially women I notice are wearing dresses that flow in the wind. Like something out of antiquity.

After I have two beers Patti puts me in a cab to take me home. I am perplexed by this and I tell the cab driver that I am not drunk and that we just left my house. He drives me to an ampartment, it is very small and dark having space only for a roll-out bed and a bathroom and a kitchenette. I look around and at the head of the bed is a beautiful balcony.

I thank the driver but tell him he has to take me back but that maybe the reason this mistake happened was to show me this cramped but somehow wonderful apartment.

When we get back to my house, I try to pay the driver but he refuses my money and says he only wanted to help me.

I think this is a dream of my own death. That was my first thought when I got out of bed. That would make the cab driver Charon but he refused to take my money so I do not think it is about an imminent death, just a way to look at it when the time comes. Returning to the place we all come from, returning to the sea.

I had another dream after this and even though I was thinking intently upon it as I woke up it left me quickly as the idea to write it down came to me. It had something to do with feelings of shame and all eyes being upon me.